Anchovy Paste Tagliatelle in Gremolada Sauce

Ingredients for 2 people
Preparation Time: 60 minutes

the DELICIUS product

The Delicius anchovy paste is prepared with the same salted anchovies used in the making of our fillets. The creation of our anchovy paste comes from a family recipe that has maintained its classic preparation as years have passed. Only salted anchovies, oil and salt for a traditional version which can be used in many tasty ways. This version (Rich Taste) is enriched with  our signature spicy sauce to give a determined twist to those preparations and recipes that require a delightfully strong contribution of flavour.

Pasta di Acciughe SalsaPiccante Gusto Ricco 60g | Delicius


25g of Delicius Anchovy Paste with spicy sauce – “Gusto Ricco”
200g of type 00 Flour
2 eggs
60g of parsley
2 garlic cloves
1 Lemon
80g of butter
50g of Parmesan cheese
Black pepper


Sift the flour, arrange it in a fountain with hole in the middle and break the eggs inside it, add anchovy paste with spicy sauce. Start working the dough starting from the center, and slowly incorporate all the flour; continue to work with your hands until you get a homogeneous mix. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes before working it again.
Then roll out the dough with a rolling pin or a pasta machine, and cut the tagliatelle with a thickness of about one cm.

Prepare the gremolada sauce by cutting the lemon skin in small cubes (only the yellow part), and finally adding the parsley, finely chopped .
Boil the tagliatelle in abundant salted water; in the meantime continue preparing the sauce, melting the butter at low temperature with the two garlic cloves and add the previously minced lemon zest and parsley.
Drain the tagliatelle in the pan with the sauce, adding a little cooking water to mix everything. Complete with Parmesan and black pepper.
Serve neatly and complete with black pepper!