Cous Cous with Mediterranean Style Mackerel Fillets

Ingredients for 1 person
Preparation time: 30 minutes


Grilled Mackerel Fillets with Chilli in Olive Oil 85g.
This might be the best version of our grilled mackerel fillets! Exquisite mackerel fillets, reinforced in taste by the chilli pepper and enhanced by the grilling.

Filetti di Sgombro Grigliato all'olio di Oliva con Peperoncino 85g | Delicius


1 pack of Delicius mackerel fillets with chilli pepper
Plum tomatoes
1 Red onion
1 courgette
1 carrot
Extra virgin olive oil


Cut the plum tomatoes in halves and place them on a baking tray, then season them with olive oil, salt, and just a pinch of sugar. Then place them in the oven at 150°for 1 hour. Toast the almonds in the oven at 180° for about 5 minutes. Cook the cous cous by placing it in a bowl and adding the same amount of hot water, then letting it rest covered in cooking film for 5 minutes.
Once it is cooked and soft, add a little salt and oil to separate each grain thoroughly with a fork.
Finely brunoise chop the red onion, the courgette and the carrot. Sautè them in a pan with oil for a couple minutes, making sure they remain crunchy.
Mix the vegetables with the cous cous, and also add the oven baked plum tomatoes. Then make it rest for half an hour so that it absorbs all the flavours.
Serve the cous cous completing it with a mackerel fillet in chilli pepper on top and garnishing with crumbled mint leaves and toasted almonds.